A Little About Me

Hi, I'm Nina, also known as Your Productivity Guru.

In 2008 I left the Corporate world seeking a new opportunity that fit the lifestyle I wanted.

Financial Security, and
Fun in my life 

    Jumping into the world of being an entrepreneur I initially found it difficult
    to find that perfect harmony between my business and personal life.

    The struggle of feeling overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, and a lack of confidence
    on how to build my business was real. I've learned over the years that many other
    entrepreneurs and small business owners experience the same feelings and thoughts. 

    I started to notice that I was filling my time by doing the things that werein my "comfort zone",
    and not necessarily the things that would allow me to scale and grow my business. 

    Once I recognized this, it was a huge turning point and I knew that I needed to take charge and
    make real changes personally and professionally if I wanted this to work. 

    This meant I would need to get uncomfortable and manage my time and expectations
    more realistically. By focusing my attention on the things that were important to streamline
    and grow business, it began to grow very quickly with the added bonus of more confidence,
    less stress and the ability to work less. 

    YES I am to able work less, earn more and live my dream, with just a few simple tweaks
    to my daily routines, by managing my time, by having customized systems and processes in place
    that work for my business, by having goals that align with how I want to grow and finally
    by setting boundaries and sticking to them. 

    All this led to a six-figure income and business. And that is my goal for my clients,
    to help them with a customized plan that fits their business to streamline their
    productivity over a very short timeframe and to…. 

    “Go from Overwhelm to Organized in 90 Days or Less",
    because when you have a plan, all things are possible.